About us

Who We Are

cncdiscounts Research and Develop Various electronic and Mechanical Components for different Purposes and prototypes, such as parts for CNC machines, 3D printers, etc. Our main purpose is to make the CNC Technology accessible to all people and companies, offering the best products, applications, devices and electronic components.

At cnc.discount we want to solve the biggest construction problem in advance. DIY´ers need to know what machines to build, how to monetize them, and how to price them. In business, we provide you with quick solutions for all kinds of CNC, 3D Printing, Laser Parts and Machines it self.
Cncdiscounts offers high quality material at the best price in the industry. Our goal is to make these products available to as many people as possible. Customers can benefit from our experience and knowledge of more than a Decade in the commercial CNC sector.

What we specialize in?


Provide a variety of options and tools in the area of electronics that make technology accessible to any individual or company, as well as the supply of both common and specialized electronic parts. From Ball Screws over Linear Motion Guides to Closed Loop Stepper Motors, It is our company’s priority to make them simpler, more accessible and easier to use and apply technological solutions according to their needs.

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Worldwide shipping

DHL/FEDEX/TNT Express Worldwide within 3-6 days

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Quality Assurance

Precise Quality Control Measures during production

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Affordable Prices

As Manufacturer based in China, we offer Best prices

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