DIY — Construction Guides And Do-It-Yourself Projects To Do Easily At Home

Project Videos

Self-made container moving wheels

Check out this DIY tutorial on making selfmade shipping container wheels to move your container effortlessly! This innovative solution for container transport involves using simple materials to create custom container wheels at home.

Make a Fire Torch Tornado trapped in 1.5M Glass Tube - DIY

We show you how to create a fascinating fire torch tornado trapped in a 1.5m glass tube. Get inspired to do this project yourself, with our step-by-step welding and construction instructions.

Copper Wire Stripping Machine

In this quick Tutorial, we will show and demonstrate how to make a small Automatic Wire Stripping machine to remove insulation from unnecessary copper wires. If you want to recycle all scraped material, precious metals and PVC, copper, etc. And you are looking for quick and convenient solutions to get rid of the Precious Metal with the best Benefit. We present to you this excellent “Copper Extraction” machine by hand.
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